I stumbled across the Buckhead Coalition's Guidebook yesterday on Twitter, and wanted to share it with you here - it looked like a great coffee-table resource for other Bettys to have around their homes. It's only $5 to pick up in a Barnes and Noble, and you can check it out for free first here online. Yes, I know this is info you can easily get online, but how convenient that they put together a huge directory for us of things like restaurants, doctors, kid's camps, and running and biking routes - all in one book?
On an unrelated note, I also ran across this GORGEOUS condo this morning on a blog I follow, charm home. Actually, she is covering another blog that covers the spread in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles magazine. So I am just extending the chain today, because goodness, the home is fabulous in all that is Buckhead and I can't help but pass it along. I only wish I lived up on a higher floor so I could do the same window treatment-less look too. How fantastic - definitely design inspiration for me!

Have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend, friends!!
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