This week, I had that theme. I thought about it yesterday in the shower and while I was drying my hair. But then I forgot to actually build out on the theme. So I am left with nothing for today. Except my thoughts. And well, wouldn't you know it, my thoughts are all over the place these days. Here's ten of them (oh how convenient, a list of ten! :P )
1. Halloween. It's here! We are all set with our costumes, and if we don't win at least some kudos from the contest people at our various events, well then, I don't want to know who actually wins, because these are going to be AWESOME.
2. Spring-Cleaning ... in the Fall. Sunday involved spring-cleaning the condo, and putting everything in its place. It feels so nice to relax, not having to worry about the clutter that was slowly building up around me. And yes, I am aware that makes me slightly OCD.
3. Eww. Speaking of clutter and OCD, last night we watched Hoarders for the first time, and OMG these people are RIDICULOUS. They are seriously ill in the head, living in homes where you can't see the carpet or walls because it's covered in 7-feet piles of STUFF. The one last night also involved a woman with 36 cats in there with her. 23 of them were living. And she saw nothing wrong in her actions. GROSS.

4. Feeling Blah and Working Out. I really need to amp up my weekly workouts. I tell this to myself all the time, but I still don't get in the 3-4 workouts a week that I know make me feel my personal best. Today I am feeling the changing weather patterns more than normal, and while I really would love to crash on the couch later, I know a spin on the elliptical will do this body and mind good.
5. New Year's. We booked our flights (no driving, hooray!) to NJ/NYC for the holidays. Except that the way the holidays fall this year, we are coming home on NYE instead of January 2 or 3. I have only spent one NYE in Atlanta in my adult life. What is going on in town that would be fun/affordable/easy to do? Side note: As Grandma Joan used to say, "New Year's is for amateurs." I do not need a $200 shindig to make my night/year complete.
6. I love my new boots. I wore both pair over the weekend and am continuously planning outfits to go with them so that I can wear them as much as possible :)

7. I have a Starbucks addiction. Mostly grande nonfat chai, but sometimes grande nonfat pumpkin spice with no whip. Can someone help?
8. Rules of the Road. People that block the box (aka block the intersection after the light turns, for you non-NYC friends) really, really REALLY irritate me. As do people who try to cut in at the last second to the turn lane, like they own it. (This is why I try and take MARTA. The rage comes out otherwise!)

Image credit here.
9. New 'Dos. I have a haircut on Saturday and am doing away with the straight bangs after 10 good months. I have enjoyed them but am feeling the itch to trade them out. Perhaps no bangs at all? TBD.
10. Food Fights. Shopping at Publix makes me happy. Shopping at Disco Kroger makes me stressed out. Publix wins. Plus I feel more yuppie shopping there, pretending like I have all sorts of money. Ugh, I have a problem.
What's something that's been on your mind this week? As you can see from my list, seriousness of thought does not count :P

I don't normally reply to your posts...obviously lol....but baking has been on my mind this week...healthy baking that I think both you and I can appreciate :) so try this one out and let me know what you think!
Pumpkin Spice Cake
1 box spiced cake mix
1 small can pumpkin
1/4 cup water
Mix ingredients (duh, and yes its just those three....no eggs or oil etc), bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes (or until center is not gooey).
You can put fat free cool-whip on top at the end but frankly? you don't need it....and please, this is a very important disclaimer, do not take a fork to the baking pan....I promise you won't be able to stop eating if you do :).
Erin, that sounds SO Good! I can't wait to try it out. It sounds like a perfect Fall dessert or snack, and you know I love easy, healthy and cheap :) XOXOXO
Oh I used to make that all the time when I first started weight watchers a few years ago - perfect fall treat. So good. If you have the points you can add a few choc chips to it too. [kind of like those pumpkin choc chip muffins you see everywhere only much healthier]
I feel so blah today too - think its in the air... don't know why. I did do a workout (2x this week so far, record for October) - but still need a boost. Maybe a song? I don't know.
Go get that elliptical!
Kelly - yay, even better that it's a WW recipe, I love their stuff :) And I agree, I think the ATL weather is bringing us all down. Go you on the workout -- I am mentally revving myself up for mine later this evening!
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