This trait of mine drives the S.O. absolutely bonkers, by the way. Just try and speed me through the aisles at Tar-jay. You can't rush sales, I tell ya. You just can't.
This week, I unsubscribed from about 20 sales/deals emails. Waking up each morning to a personal Blackberry inbox with 40 unread emails was really getting to me. That is just not a great thing to see first thing in the morning before even brushing your teeth. Sure, some were legit (related to the blog and some of my volunteer organizations) but they were getting buried (and I mean buried, two-week response delay times right here) under all that absolute junk. I love hearing about good sales, but some of these emails were just overkill. I am not actually trying to spend all of my money right now at LOFT, Banana, the factory outlets, Williams-Sonoma, random hair salons, massages, Target ... as you might otherwise have assumed when checking out my old inbox.
All those unsubscribes later, and I am a happy camper. But in the midst of saying "remove me from your email list," I actually signed up for a new service. One that has been making its way around my friend network, and one that is a natural fit for me. Enter the BaubleBar Buried Bauble.
Every Friday at 11AM ET, members of this email list get a special heads-up about the latest discount on one special item. You use the clue to find the right piece of jewelry over on BaubleBar's (adorably chic) site, rather than having to guess and click all over the place trying to find the one item marked down to $10 (yes, $10).
While the bigger flash sale sites appeal to me, I honestly am not one to drop $150 on a designer set of jeans, but $10? I can swing that in a hot minute, especially on statement jewelry.
Fact: most of my jewelry hasn't cost me more than $15-20. You don't need to spend a lot to get a lot. Witness: today's necklace from Kohl's, a Vera Wang line that was clearance for something like $10.
So what did I buy today? Two of today's Hidden $10 Baubles (regularly $24 for one) ...
And these adorable Bee studs ($24)!
Hello gameday! I am set for both an Auburn (wearing both together for a fun look) and a Tech game with these purchases. Even better? I used my new member discount on the earrings, so they only cost me $14!
Have you joined BaubleBar yet? Their deals seem great, and even if you aren't always in the market for jewelry, you might find a fun Friday buy here and there to make this extra email subscription worth it :)
PS. I really liked my entire outfit today, so here is an OOTD shot for you - glam up your casual jeans with fun heels!
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. BaubleBar did not contribute to this post in any fashion.

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