And bam, now here we are, a week into February and my oh my, I can already feel the spring itch. Are the daffodils blooming yet?!
Something else that surprises me is that I have now been married for almost a year. 10 months, and if time continues at its current pace, we will be at a year in just a blink. Over the last number of months, I have been feeling a little "off" here on the blog, and truly, I think that it's been all part of the settling down that's happened after the wedding. The honeymoon effect has been in full swing, and we have be growing into our home in Buckhead, just enjoying being the Lehmanns. It's been awesome, and this site, well, it has just slipped past me a bit :)
This blog was created when I was still new to the neighborhood, and it was the perfect outlet for all of my design/decor desires, cooking attempts (some wins, some not!) and my new budget-focused life with the new mortgage under my belt. Now? The blog is morphing into something a tad different. It's not something I have planned, but I know that change is right around the corner. No longer am I just a "Buckhead Betty," spending nights on the town with my ladies before date nights every weekend. Those ladies are now married, some with kids and others with little ones on the way. Most of them have mortgages now, too, so budgets are tighter while all those plans for the future are becoming actual reality. Some have moved away, while others have moved OTP.
As for us? Date nights have been stretched out to special occasions, while we save up for what we are terming "the next big thing." Don't judge, but it's not uncommon that we have a "nice little Saturday" at Costco and Home Depot ... and we are ok with it! Meal planning meets pre-planning while the husband finishes out one last semester of night classes for his Masters. Entertaining must be in my blood, because I love having our friends over to the condo, vs. meeting up on the town.
Life just keeps going. As does this blog, in some form or another. It's never been a DIY blog, a cooking blog or a budgeting blog. It's been a lifestyle blog ... of my own life! And it will continue to be just that. I wouldn't change any of this for the world. I turned 30 last year. If 29 was any indication, 30 is hopefully going to be a good one. That "next big thing?" We have some ideas. More to come in the coming months! But right now, we are going to continue to focus on "us," and today. And today, I am ready for the spring, and with it, the change that it always seems to bring :)

I took the train after a day of meetings. I took a late Coach Handbags Clearance night train to Prague. We were there for, like, 36 hours and made it back in time for practice after a day off. VICKY JONES: I can't say too much. We don't know yet. But, Yeezy Discount you don't have an actor like Rich Sommer and not make the most of something like that.
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