Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Free Weekend? Really?

I just realized that my calendar for this weekend is free. Empty. Spotless. And I honestly couldn't be happier.

It has been too long, open calendar. I have missed you. This social personality is great, and all, but sometimes I like some me-time. And between this fall's football, trips, dinners, and general busy-ness, me-time has suffered. One of my friends actually [gasp!] suggested that she was glad football season was ending, because it has been distracting during the weeks, being so excited for each upcoming Game Day.

This weekend, I want to get some actual chores done. Things that have been on my to-do list since September. Half of my winter shoes are in need of the cobbler man, and he is on the West Side so I need a Saturday morning to get over there. And I'd really like to cash in this free coupon card at Victoria's Secret, since they were nice enough to share it with me!

If you found out you had a totally open day, what's the first thing you'd do? Other than sleeping in, of course. Since that is totally at the top of my list too!