Friday, February 5, 2010

A Low Key Friday

What is your favorite kind of Friday night?

Some weeks, I am totally in the mood for going straight from work to Happy Hour, and then right out to dinner somewhere. In fact, last week, that was even followed by a night at the club, which was oh so fun and even allowed me to get in some good exercise with all the dancing! I've got to plan ahead for nights like that though - like wearing a cute outfit to work that can go right out afterward (Boys: I know you don't think about these things. But I'm a girl, hello).

But then some weeks, like this one, I look ahead to the weekend and see all sorts of social events coming up tomorrow and the next day, and all I want to do is stay indoors and do something random and relaxing when I get home from work. This is even more likely when it's all rainy and gross outside like it is here today. Ugh. I wish I was in my PJ's right now at work with a big mug of hot chocolate.

So tonight? Peace out, happy hour beer deals and VIP lists at the club. Another week, for sure. Tonight, I think there will be wine, maybe some cooking, and a game or two of a board game. That's right, no TV, no music, no laptop. Good, old fashioned board game time. Sometimes, it's the littlest life swap-outs like games instead of TV that can make a random plan-less Friday night into a great night after all :)

Happy Weekend! More to come soon about the couples dinner party I am hosting tomorrow and all the things I am doing around the condo for it, and some fantastic Super Bowl appetizers I am making too!


Buckhead Belle said...

Oh my gosh, with this gross ATL weather, a night in is definitely on my radar!

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