A second shout today goes out to those of you who have supported my Weight Watchers push this year. I am 15 pounds lighter this Fall, and couldn't be happier. Another 5 would blow my mind (and my wallet, as an entire new wardrobe would then be required. Why don't they prepare you for this cool yet unfortunate-for-my-budget side effect?) and I might attempt it, but honestly, I am loving where I am -- I feel healthy, strong, and totally content with food and drinks. I am fighting the demons (chocolate peanut butter ice cream) that haunt me (vodka martinis, straight up) each new day (baked goods of any shape and size), and it's not always easy. But knowing that you all are around and are supportive, makes it a battle worth fighting!
Today's Top Ten {Tuesday} is a dedication out to all of you who have also been struggling with your health and weight. We all can procrastinate and yo-yo diet like the best of them, but I want to know, why can't TODAY be the day where we say, enough is enough! Why can't TODAY be the day where we take on a new outlook on life, and learn to appreciate our bodies and our health for what they are, and even more importantly, what they can be?
So, why not?

Top Ten {Tuesday}: Top Ten Reasons It's Time to Lose It For Good
1. Fit into those skinny jeans. And throw away those fat jeans. Forever.
2. Never again have to search towards the back of the racks for the bigger sizes.
3. Feel amazing in your skin. Or, if you already do (go curvy ladies!), feel even more amazing in your skin.
4. Get looked at twice by the opposite sex. Trust me, it really never gets old. Except when it's a bunch of men cat-calling while across the street at the construction site, a la Miranda on SATC. Dude, seriously? Are you expecting me to drop everything I am doing so I can come talk to you now? Ick.
5. Forget the Disney movie and flying carpets. We are talking "A Whole New Wardrobe," and life is grand. But seriously, put some money aside for this part. Clothes are expensive, ugh!
6. Those ridiculous fashions meant for people that are tiny? Pull them off. Booties. Short skirts. Low-rise jeans. Let that inner model out. Men, this applies to you too. Three words: fitted dress shirt.
7. That whole bathing suit season nightmare? Indulge in the opposite feeling -- oh my goodness, I have a new suit and CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW IT OFF.
8. Eat and drink what you want, in moderation, exercise, and maintain your weight. Forever. Yes, it is possible.
9. Walk up the stairs / finish a run / do lawn work / clean your house without getting out of breath.
10. Hang around and see your kids, your friends' kids, and all of their kids grow up and live full, healthy lives.
It's time to Lose For Good. What's stopping you? It's do-able. You just have to make the decision that today is the day. There is a support network waiting for you. And all of those fantastic things listed above just make it all the much sweeter :)
My post today is in support of Lose-a-Palooza. Lose-A-Palooza is a one-day social media event created to encourage participation in the Lose For Good® campaign to benefit Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.
For every accepted mention or acknowledgment of “Lose For Good” made on September 14th through blogs, Twitter, Facebook and check-in via foursquare, Weight Watchers will donate $1 – up to $60,000* – to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger. Find out to help today here.
You're right, you're right! I know you're right! It's still baby weight when the baby is 13 months old... right?
Go Heather! You can do it :)
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