For those of you who have been dedicated followers, you know a lot about me by now. I get a bit of a high on good sales and coupon deals. I like to plan parties and entertain friends. I aspire to live the SATC lifestyle on a 20-something budget.
But there are a lot of things you don't know about me yet. Here are five, just for the heck of it -- it's Tuesday and we all need some randomness right about now.
1. I don't watch Glee. I don't even know what it is about. Is is a reality show? A scripted show? I remember feeling similarly about Laguna Beach when it first came on - how it was too soap-operay to be really not scripted, but yep, it was real. This one intrigues me. But not enough to get me watching. Yet.

Holy moly I almost don't recognize the LB cast anymore. They were so young here!
2. I am a complete book nerd. I could read every day for hours. I have been known to finish books in one (extended) sitting, and skip social outings because I can't put a page turner down. I recently have rediscovered this about myself, and am loving it. Sorry in advance if I ignore you. Blame the book.
3. I don't understand those people that commute in huge white tennis shoes a la Working Gal. Especially on top of black tights with a skirt, ugh. I walk to the train and commute everyday, but they are called flats, people. Or even flip flops. At least attempt to match them to your outfit.

Love the hair, how ridiculously big. What a fab movie.
4. I have never lived in a state not connected to the ocean, and am pretty sure I will find it hard to ever do so. This 5-hour drive from ATL is hard enough as it is.
5. I do not know the first thing about cars. My Dad would of course teach me things if I asked. But so far in life, I honestly have been okay with playing the girl-card on that whole area. Except that I hate being taken advantage of on cost. And we all know car mechanics. Not always the most ethical businessmen. I once got jipped on an oil change. AN OIL CHANGE. Yes, I am that clueless.
What is one thing that most people don't know about you?
PS. The Lenox fashion show ticket giveaway continues - leave your comment to enter!
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