One crisp October Saturday while I was still in college, I had the Ferris Bueller day all girls dream of. I went to New York City for the day to go shopping. It was the definition of fabulous. Thanks to my gal pal who was working for Delta, we jet-set off for cheap courtesy of buddy passes. Upon arrival, we frolicked around Times Square and had pizza, shopped at the 5th Ave. H&M (LOVE), and got knock-off purses hidden in ceilings in Chinatown, all before heading back to La Guardia for an evening flight home. If I recall correctly, I think I even had a pink breast-cancer themed cocktail as we lounged in first class that night. It is one of my fondest days in college memory. Thanks Ashley!
Recently, this type of day has been more top of mind for me, as I am hoping to take a Summer Friday vacation day soon. While it won't consist of any flights to my favorite city, from morning til night, I'd still have quite the day. Granted, as I write this all out, I realize that I might still need to save up just a little fun money to burn through for the day, but whatever, that's just details!
So here's how I would spend my day off here in Atlanta ...
* Wake up and work out early! Not 6AM-early like regular days, but I'd love to get up and workout around 8AM, then grab a Starbucks and a Flying Biscuit before reading the paper for a bit.
* Lay out poolside while the rays are still hot and strong. Freckle mania, here I come.
* Get cleaned up before heading to Target and then Trader Joe's. I'd pick up something at each, even if just a little trinket or a bundle of flowers.
* Leisurely late lunch at either Noon-Midtown or Alon's Bakery -- two places I can't make it to during my typical work day but are my absolute favorite lunch spots. Lunch companion: my mom, who is a teacher and is off for summers, how convenient!
* Meander around Lenox Mall for a bit, trying on frivolous dresses and shoes without buying anything. I am such a tease for those poor store clerks.
* Happy Hour at Aja or any other local outdoor establishment. This would be perfect around 5PM before it gets too busy. Martini in hand, I'd be a happy woman at Happy Hour with whomever can join me :)
* Al fresco dinner outdoors at some swank restaurant close to home to finish off the day. Ideas: Nava, Twist, or Bistro Niko.
I had a day quite close to this day, actually, this past weekend. It was a delight, but it would have been even better if I had had the pool and stores to myself while knowing everyone else was at work!
So, for now, I can continue to dream ... and want to hear about your dream day off too! How would you spend your dream day off?

Picture grabbed from nydailynews.com
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