Well wouldn't you know it. This weekend marks BlogHer '10 (I am so so sad to not be there, by the way, in retrospect. I didn't plan on going at all, anyways, but now seeing the chatter on Twitter and blogs makes me want to go pop up to NYC for the weekend!). This huge blogging conference inspires women (and men!) to discover new paths and tricks for their blogging worlds. Some people there are huge well-known bloggers like Pioneer Woman and Mom101, sharing their own tips with their loyal fans. Others are brand-new and might not even have a blog of their own yet, there completely to learn and grow.
Last year, at BlogHer '09 in Chicago, I was a member of that latter camp. While officially attending BlogHer on behalf of work and clients, I was also personally interested in the subject matter, so I ate up all of the sessions that I could. I am a Twitter- and Facebook-addict, and love to share around news and events with my friends. So what better place to do so than on my very own blog?
Soon enough, there I was, sitting in the lobby of the conference hotel during one of the mini-breaks, laptop ready. I logged onto Blogger, and entered in the name of my new adventure -- "Buckhead Betty ... on a Budget." I had been tossing the name around in my head for a few hours, and after a quick internet search showed that no one else had claimed the BBetty space online, I was quick to take it. I typed up a quick first post, and voila, I was a "blogger."
One year later, and this blog has grown by leaps and bounds. I have learned what types of posts I love to write, and which ones you all love to read. Some are fun and social (it is titled Buckhead Betty, after all, I am ever the hostess!) and others are more serious and thought-provoking. I am so honored to have you readers always stopping by -- your comments always make me smile, even if they are literally just a single word or a happy face! Our conversation threads make this blog oh so worth it, and I have made so many new friends through them.
So keep your comment-love coming! I would also enjoy if you shared topics or ideas for posts that you would love to see. Shoot me a message sometime -- katherine DOT malone AT gmail DOT com. After all, while I write this blog for myself, it is ultimately also so that my readers can have a little fun reading it, too :)
Happy Weekend!!

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Our blogs are twins... love it!
Yay BB, love it too!! :)
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